My grandson Jack asked me to help him build a project. It is a therapeutic swivel board to help him relax. We started the day by going to a fabric store to purchase the fabric covering. There were thousands of bolts of fabrics to choose from. I was afraid this was going to become an all day event. My Apprentice Jack picked out a few pieces that appealed to him and we were on our way in less than an hour. This kid usually takes a hour to make a lunch decision so this was a good thing. Next we went off to purchase the plywood and the lazy susan.
Lesson in Teaching
When we got back to the workshop we laid out all of the pieces and selected the tools necessary to complete the job. My Apprentice Jack was anxious to get start. I learned from a very wise art teacher many years ago that it is the role of the teacher to teach and not to do the work for the student. She would never touch the artwork of the student. By doing so work no longer belongs to the student.
Ownership transfers from the student to the teacher. This is probably the most powerful lesson I learned from a teacher. Here is a link about teaching strategies that is worth looking at. As tempting as it is to aid a student by showing them how to do something it is not empowering to put a mark on their work. So I gave Jack the instructions and he was on his way. Look at the focus he has to this project. I was so proud of him as he was of himself.
Going Forward
I look forward to doing many more projects with the grandkids and hope to be able to teach them how to use a lathe. Having never making a pen and I know that is a good place to begin learning how to use a lathe. I better practice making a few pens.