Silent Auction Donation
Fragile X Foundation Bowl is a bowl I donated the Mind Institute and Fragile X Foundation silent auction. Fragile X is a genetic disorder that is the cause of inherited mental impairment. The research that this group does is also on the cutting edge of research for treating Autism. The bowl is 10 by 5 and the X’s feature pyrography which is branding with a red hot wire.
What is Fragile X Syndrome?
Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability. It is also the most common known single-gene mutation leading to autism disorders. The clinical features of FXS range from mild emotional, sensory and learning problems to severe intellectual disabilities and autism. Here is the link to the MIND Institute
Dr. Randi Hagerman is one of the top research doctors in the world. At the University of California at Davis her team is doing state of the art genetic research. I am a volunteer at the Mind Institute in their research program. I have a gene that creates a protein that shows strong evidence towards successful treatments and potential cures for FXS. It is heartbreaking to see children with limited abilities and parents desperate to help their child.
Treatments and potential cures for Fragile X Syndrome, FXTAS and Autism are under investigation at the MIND Institute. It is an honor to be able to contribute to this research. I see it as a personal obligation to be a part of this scientific program that will help families.
Very often I get inspiration from nature, plants, leaves and seeds. Here the inspiration is from science and genetics. This is a carved vase that I gave to Dr. Hagerman Fragile X Carved Vase.
Gift Ideas
If you would like to see more of my woodturning art that is for sale go to Etsy.
I produce all of my art in Montvale, New Jersey USA.