Why not a bowl of bracelets instead of apples? Sometimes I get into a production mode as with this group of bangles and bracelets. Interesting creative processes occur when doing multiple items. By doing a variety of similar items I am able to explore many techniques and build upon them as I go along. One idea leads to another. Instead of having to wait for another time I am able the explore several ideas in real time.
These bracelets and bangles begin at the lathe. Once the shape is complete I use a variety of techniques to decorate and enhance the piece. I can create texture with a Dremel tool and cutting burs and pierce holes with a high speed dental drill. Brand symbols with pyrography which is wood burning with a red hot wire. Paint, airbrush or stain the wood and finish with a protective coating. These secondary operations may take longer to accomplish than the amount of time making the shape.
I began making wood jewelry during my second year of turning. Starting with pendants and bracelets I then made earrings, cuff links and brooches. Next I learned how to use resin to cast colored pencils and seed pods. The techniques that I use in my jewelry add to the skill set to make large pieces more unique.
Should you be looking for a special jewelry gift take a look in my website store.
Additional items can be viewed in my Etsy Store.
I design and product all my items like Bowl of Bracelets in my Montvale, New Jersey, USA studio. Usually I begin at the wood lathe which has the capacity to turn a two hundred pound log into a stool or a piece of jewelry.. After the form is complete the piece goes to the workbench for decoration to make each piece unique.