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Antique Lids Find New Bases

Weekend Antiquing

Antique Lids Find New Bases. The challenge is to produce forty wood bases for antique European and Asian lids from the 1700 and 1800′s. I made an unusual purchase from an antique dealer who was hesitant to sell these lids to me.  He was very skeptical that I had some of the bases and that would make a matching set rather valuable. Explaining that I am a woodturner and showing him my work on my cell phone I promise to create new wood bases for the lids.  He finally agrees to sell me eight pieces.

Building a relationship

I return a month later to show him what I created and ask him to choose the favorite.  I offer that piece as a gift and he was rather surprised. Looking around I do not see the lids that were left behind. Asking if I could purchase the remaining lids he opens a drawer where they are now hiding.  We have now built trust and he basically gifts them to me with the commitment that I show him the series as it develops.  And more importantly, that I respect the work of these former artisans.  The process of developing a matching wood base considering form, color and texture was a two year journey.

I enjoy having the design license to match the lids with new bodies.

Here is a link to some of the other pieces in the Antique Lids Find New Bases series. Summertime Bowl

Gift Ideas

If you are looking for a unique gift and do not see something in this store, Perhaps you can visit my Etsy store.


I design and produce all of my items in my Montvale New Jersey USA studio.  My main tool is the wood lath.  I will spend as much time at the workbench doing finishing.



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Montvale, New Jersey, USA | Alan@AATurning.com201-248-4346

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